Life Group - Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

By filling out this form you are registering to join our Men's Life Group. 

Men's Life Group is designed to equip men to Study God’s Word, share their testimony and Change The World through community.  We meet every 2nd Saturday of the month at church, or at a restaurant. And every Thursday at the Starbucks off Del Amo and Cherry Ave., near the Northgate Market, from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. 

All men are welcome to come along and bring a bro, coworker, a friend, or family member.
We fellowship (as we eat breakfast ), bible study, prayer and discussion.

To become the man God is calling you to become, you must be in a like-minded group who are seeking to fulfill the same purpose. You can ask questions, share where you need help and learn what God says about being a man on mission. Whether it's being a friend, working a job, being a husband or being a dad, God has a plan for our lives. 

Like iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other.